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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.


Environment & Lights

Showing 9

include/exclude light for VRayEnvironmentFog

Currently, every light in the scene impacts the fog. Please provide an option for selecting which lights can and cannot affect the fog.
aquib ahmad 8 days ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

load jpg sequences in light textures in vantage standalone

Right now you can load a jpg sequence in vray lights texture and export as vrscene. Can you make it in vantage standalone, when you load a texture into directional light for instance, to be able to load an image sequence
Digital Technologies 3 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Fog minimum Height

Working with events and exhibitions, we need to show volume light effect for the ceiling lights but not have the effect interfere with the scene clarity down below. Having a fog start height can make this doable.
IT Dept 4 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Support Multiple Active Dome Lights

Helpful to achieve certain looks. Nice to have an additional "Fill" dome light in addition to using an HDRI.
Abraham Ahmad 6 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 5 Pending

Cloud Rendering with View above the clouds

For exterior flight scenes, it would be great to have a realistic cloudscape rendered, seen from above. This is probably very complex, since there are many applications that treat this, with a lot of manual effort involved.
Robert Reimann 6 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Possibility to use custom maps for contol bokeh and fog effects

more control in general
Rodrigo Navarrete 6 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Advanced options for Separately control background, reflection/refraction using different HDRIs, just like VRay.

Very useful and commonly used. For example, I want the glass of the building to reflect a lot of trees, but the background is blue sky and white clouds. I can easily achieve this in VRay with 2 HDRIs. But in Vantage, I have to plant trees behind t...
Hill Lam 7 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Basic Weather / Season Cycles

Basic Weather /Season Cycles to help compete with other Real-Time Renders such as D5, Twin Motion and Lumion. Ability to select the following: RAINY/WET SNOW SUMMER, SPRING etc
Nathan McKillion 8 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending

Sun caustics for water and Glass

This would be useful for scenes with complex lightning or for specific ones like pools.
chao ming 8 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending