Is there any way to increase the maximum number of units? For instance, in a centimeter unit setup from Max, Vantage cannot focus more than 10.000cm. I guess the limitation is the maximum number, not the actual distance.
Also can you add a functionality to the depth of field, where we can see the aperture size in terms of f-numbers like 1.8, 2.8, 4.0 etc., like in real life lenses. It makes a lot more sense for people who are accomodated to photography.
Thank you in advance
Hi Aurelio,
There is already a f-number feature but it is only visible in the advanced settings of the exposure type(https://docs.chaos.com/display/LAV/Camera+Tab) If you have triuble with the camera setings please post in the forums(https://forums.chaos.com/forum/chaos-vantage/chaos-vantage-issues) and send us the scene for us to investigate.