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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.



Showing 4 of 135

Xref (vrscene) menager

It would be brilliant to have manager for vrscene connected with file.Have possibilty to connect multiple vrscene files and can turn off / unlink / update them separately. Imagine a workflow, where:- User can load static vrscene base scene, with i...
Mat Olszowy 25 days ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending

Vantage scene converter tool

It would be good to have converting tool, like a VraySceneConverter but focused on Vanatge. With vantage limitation checker and proposal convert sollutions - like graysclae opacity to refraction.
Mat Olszowy 28 days ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending

Package/archive scene and collect all assets

Archive the scene including all imported vrscenes and used texture assets.
Tashko Zashev 3 months ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending

Bounding box scale tool mode

For some situations it is much easier to scale an object using its bounding box similar to the scale tool in SketchUp. This could be a mode for the current scale tool.
Alexander Atanasov 4 months ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending