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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.



Showing 124 of 133

Batch render

Please add Batch render option like in 3DS max, where I can set cameras and render them sequentially with one Scene animation
David Matousu 7 months ago in Vantage / Rendering 0 Accepted

Export .exr or .vrimg files containing Cryptomatte Masks data that can be read by VRay's VFB

It would be cool if VRay's VFB could edit .exr or .vrimg exported from Vantage that contains Cryptomatte Masks data! This would speed up the workflow a lot!!!
Hill Lam 7 months ago in Vantage / Color Corrections & Post effects 0 Accepted

one click animated grass , like animated water

Since the arrival of one click animated water surface creation in Vantage standalone, it looks obvious that an one click solution for animated grass will be very helpful.
Digital Technologies 4 months ago in Vantage / Animation editor 0 Pending

Xref (vrscene) menager

It would be brilliant to have manager for vrscene connected with file.Have possibilty to connect multiple vrscene files and can turn off / unlink / update them separately. Imagine a workflow, where:- User can load static vrscene base scene, with i...
Mat Olszowy about 1 month ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending


Time Adjustment on the Timeline It would be helpful to add a feature that allows for flexible adjustment of the total time on the timeline. This would make it easier to control the overall project duration and synchronize elements more precisely. ...
Pablo Vinicius about 1 month ago in Vantage / Editors 0 Pending

tyFlow - Support

Tyflow Support in Vantage for Animations. Water, Fire, Smoke etc
Nathan McKillion 8 months ago in Vantage / Volumetrics & Particles 0 Accepted

Vantage scene converter tool

It would be good to have converting tool, like a VraySceneConverter but focused on Vanatge. With vantage limitation checker and proposal convert sollutions - like graysclae opacity to refraction.
Mat Olszowy about 1 month ago in Vantage / Tools 0 Pending

Physically accurate motion blur

Same as Vray, not a fake post-processing motion blur
Rita Sobral 6 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Import recorded camera from Chaos Vantage in 3ds Max

Currently vantage files format can store recorded camera animation, but it cannot be imported into other software and modified in any way. It would be useful cause vantage can record natural movement in VR
Tolya Vozya 24 days ago in Vantage / Other 0 Pending

support image sequence or mp4 for background

Vantage can be the best software to camera match and merge real footage with cg
Digital Technologies 7 months ago in Vantage / Other 1 Accepted