Many assets imported from external software into 3ds Max are imported as Physical Material. Since VRay already has a conversion to convert Physical Material to VRayMtl, it might be useful if Vantage could also interpret basic Physical Materials as...
In order to avoid the run out of memory of the GPU when render at high resolution it will be very useful to have an option to flag "split image" so the render is split in four stripe, calculated one after other and at the end atomatically resemble...
3D Graphic Academy
6 months ago
in Vantage / Rendering
It would be good to have converting tool, like a VraySceneConverter but focused on Vanatge. With vantage limitation checker and proposal convert sollutions - like graysclae opacity to refraction.
Mat Olszowy
28 days ago
in Vantage / Tools
create curved paths between two cameras, not just linear , so to have orbit camera movement
when you want to make orbit camera movements, like beautiful birds eye views of orbiting around a building in archviz film, now is not possible because the path now created between the two cameras is just a line and not a curve.
Digital Technologies
7 months ago
in Vantage / Camera