add displacement in materials not just in exported geometry
in cosmos materials there should be materials with displacement that applies to geometry inside vantage. When you export a geometry with displacement on material, the created material should apply displacement if you apply it to another geometry i...
Now it is amazing that when you import a camera this camera is shown as an object. But what is the functionality if we cannot move or duplicate this animated camera. So can you please make it so that we can pick this animated camera and move it , ...
For exterior flight scenes, it would be great to have a realistic cloudscape rendered, seen from above. This is probably very complex, since there are many applications that treat this, with a lot of manual effort involved.
VrayBumpMtl to support multiple normal map like Vray GPU
Needed to use two normal maps with different coordinates when using UVW Randomizer and stohastic tiling on one of the normal maps and without on another.
right now you can make changes and create a new scene state, but you should be able when you further edit this scene state to save the whole state with one click that is obvious in hte main panel like the creeate scene state button. (maybe clickin...
live link animation option to keep settings from vantage
when you work live link and some features you edit in vantage, like hdri rotation, sun altitude azimuth, volumetric fog... then when you render animation live link there should be an option to keep these settings and not switch to default
Digital Technologies
7 months ago
in Vantage / Live Link