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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.


Scene states

Showing 3 of 140

one click override scene state

right now you can make changes and create a new scene state, but you should be able when you further edit this scene state to save the whole state with one click that is obvious in hte main panel like the creeate scene state button. (maybe clickin...
Digital Technologies 9 months ago in Vantage / Scene states 0 Pending

Invert Selection and/or Isolate Selected

It would be really helpful to have an invert selection option added to Vantage standalone. If I want to isolate an object, I have to select everything else in the scene outliner and hide it.
Caleb Dermyer 8 months ago in Vantage / Scene states 0 Pending

Crashing with selecting saved “lighting scenes”

Crashing sometimes, when I selecting one of saved lighting scenes. From many versions. I can give some logs, if they will be helpful.
Mat Olszowy 9 months ago in Vantage / Scene states 2 Declined