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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.



Showing 10 of 140

Predefined camera movements

Vantage is all about simplicity. Camera recording now is far from simple. Why not create predefined camera movements? Standard architectural style. Panning, orbit, going up down, changing sight up down left right, combining those? Tired of exporti...
Oleg Budeanu about 1 month ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Physically accurate motion blur

Same as Vray, not a fake post-processing motion blur
Rita Sobral 7 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Fisheye Camera

It would be great to have a fisheye camera on Vantage for small spaces.
Cesar Fernandez 5 months ago in Vantage / Camera 1 Pending

create curved paths between two cameras, not just linear , so to have orbit camera movement

when you want to make orbit camera movements, like beautiful birds eye views of orbiting around a building in archviz film, now is not possible because the path now created between the two cameras is just a line and not a curve.
Digital Technologies 9 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Accepted

Easier camera views organization

I often use multiple camera views in vantage , for example 10-15 cameras for one scene. I organize them in folders but what I noticed would be a great option is to be able to select multiple cameras I created at once and drag and drop them in the ...
Marijana Papic 8 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Accepted

Camera names from max to vantage

It would be nice if you can transfer camera names into the render names dialog. Similar to the frame buffer options.
Dirk myers 8 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Camera Clipping

There are problems with the Camera Clipping. There are some bugs. It always remains activated. It would be nice to be able to animate it
edgar laini 8 months ago in Vantage / Camera 1 Pending

Relocating camera view with double click like in Enscape

Extremly effective, please steal it. Plus, we need dedicated shortcuts to gradually increase\decrease movement speed
wifetoc364 wifetoc364 7 months ago in Vantage / Camera 2 Pending

Add shortcut for camera clipping feature

I think this shortcut is so important for the realtime workflow
Uong Hai 7 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Vantage Camera to Vray Physical Camera

An option to export Vantage camera to Vray Physical Camera. Once shots are blocked out in Vange there should be an option export those back to Vray and automatically create Vray Physical Camera.
Dev Karthika 6 months ago in Vantage / Camera 1 Pending