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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.


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Showing 135 of 135

Support VrayBlendMtl in VrayBumpMtl

This will unlock using VrayEdgesTex in the bump map for blending environments and objects and it will also unlock adding a bump map on top in a different tangent space
Rita Sobral 6 months ago in Vantage / Materials & Textures 0 Pending

Better Bump map support

Provide the same support as all other maps
Rita Sobral 6 months ago in Vantage / Materials & Textures 0 Pending

keep layers structure from 3ds max in objects pannel, add colors in layers in objects panels

when you export vrscene for vantage , keep the structure of the layes, and give possibility to add colors to the layers so that you can easily manipulate a scene.
Digital Technologies 3 months ago in Vantage / Objects | Geometry 0 Accepted

Rendering output is named after the project

It is a bit tedious to manually input the file name every time you render output
CH D 6 months ago in Vantage / Rendering 0 Pending

3D Decals

It would be giga-helpful, to environment and hard surface creation if you add displacement or maybe even parallax occlusion mapping support to decals!
Tolya Vozya 2 months ago in Vantage / Materials & Textures 1 Pending

Support Sheen parameters in VrayMtl

Useful for a variety of purposes, fabric, sand etc
Rita Sobral 5 months ago in Vantage / Materials & Textures 0 Pending

Camera Clipping

There are problems with the Camera Clipping. There are some bugs. It always remains activated. It would be nice to be able to animate it
edgar laini 7 months ago in Vantage / Camera 1 Pending

Water surface animation preview

In order to fine tune the water surface settings, and get preciser results, it would be great if the water surface animation showed on the viewport animation preview.
Gabriel Chahoud de Almeida 3 months ago in Vantage / Objects | Geometry 0 Pending

Rhino Live-Link, Use Vantage Sun only setting

Could u please let Rhino users to use just Vantage Sun settings during live link, Sun is currently blocked.This will give us opportunity to use scene states in comfortable way, rather than opening sun settings in rhino and saving it to snapshots.
Andrii Chudinow 4 months ago in Vantage / Live Link 0 Pending

Animate separate 3D objects

From what I gather I can only animate camera movements. I use Rhino 3D and Bongo animation. I can t export my keyframes to Vantage. For example I want to pan around a turboprop aircraft but I need to see the propellers spinning as well with a moti...
Alexandre Galin 4 months ago in Vantage / Animation editor 0 Pending