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Vantage Ideas Portal

The online platform for Chaos Vantage users to submit, vote, and collaborate on suggestions and feedback.


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Showing 135 of 135

Camera names from max to vantage

It would be nice if you can transfer camera names into the render names dialog. Similar to the frame buffer options.
Dirk myers 6 months ago in Vantage / Camera 0 Pending

Render Elements Only & Ambient Occlusion Element

Would be nice if you could render out just certain render elements. As in just the material mask etc. Also being able to add in an ambient occlusion element with a toon shader.
Dirk myers 6 months ago in Vantage / Rendering 0 Pending

adjust movement speed by scrollwheel

I know that scrolling is for zoom, and that should never change. BUT: What if somebody is pressing (for example) "alt" + scroll (up or down) at the same time, and it would adjust the move speed? (Maybe I'm overlooking this option, or perhaps there...
Mark Rademaker 7 months ago in Vantage / Other 0 Accepted

basic uvw edit on objects, or tile editing on materials

very often we need to fast scale the textures applied on objects. It would be very convenient if we could do it with a basic uvw map editing on the object or tile editing on the material
Digital Technologies 7 months ago in Vantage / Material editor 1 Accepted

Rhino Live-Link, Switch off camera settings update from Rhino.

Most of new users in office find it annoying, when they set exposure, camera etc, and after they turn viewport in rhino, everything switching back to Rhino settings.Would be nice to have ability to switch off this update, and to use Vantage one only.
Andrii Chudinow 4 months ago in Vantage / Live Link 0 Pending

on/off option in Additve in render name

please give an option to skip render name incrementals.If the base Sequence name is AA.png it creates AA_2.png with an new render
Dirk van_Straaten about 2 months ago in Vantage / Rendering 0 Pending

Have working material editor in 3ds Max with Vantage licence active

with material preview. It's pointless to buy Vray licence only to have material preview in 3ds max available.
Mat Olszowy 7 months ago in Vantage / Live Link 2 Pending

Scatter Animaiton Shoukd Be Visible In Vantage

When we work in a crowded scene, we use the Vray Scatter feature a lot and we can animate in 3dsmax. But these scatter animations are not visible in Vantage. It would be great if these features are added.
Ecem Çıkrıkcı 7 months ago in Vantage / Animation editor 1 Pending

Point cloud rendering

very useful in architecture
olivier veissiere 7 months ago in Vantage / Objects | Geometry 0 Accepted

Advanced options for Separately control background, reflection/refraction using different HDRIs, just like VRay.

Very useful and commonly used. For example, I want the glass of the building to reflect a lot of trees, but the background is blue sky and white clouds. I can easily achieve this in VRay with 2 HDRIs. But in Vantage, I have to plant trees behind t...
Hill Lam 7 months ago in Vantage / Environment & Lights 0 Pending