basic uvw edit on objects, or tile editing on materials
very often we need to fast scale the textures applied on objects. It would be very convenient if we could do it with a basic uvw map editing on the object or tile editing on the material
I often use multiple camera views in vantage , for example 10-15 cameras for one scene. I organize them in folders but what I noticed would be a great option is to be able to select multiple cameras I created at once and drag and drop them in the ...
Marijana Papic
8 months ago
in Vantage / Camera
live link animation option to keep settings from vantage
when you work live link and some features you edit in vantage, like hdri rotation, sun altitude azimuth, volumetric fog... then when you render animation live link there should be an option to keep these settings and not switch to default
Digital Technologies
8 months ago
in Vantage / Live Link
keep layers structure from 3ds max in objects pannel, add colors in layers in objects panels
when you export vrscene for vantage , keep the structure of the layes, and give possibility to add colors to the layers so that you can easily manipulate a scene.